Public StarWatch
The York County Astronomical Society (YCAS) will host a Public Starwatch event at their Observatory at John Rudy County Park, 400 Mundis Race Road, York, on Saturday, March 8th, 2025, at 7:00PM to 9:00PM to view the night sky through our telescopes.
Expand your mind by taking in the expanse of the universe. Come view the evening sky with us through one of our telescopes. Let our experienced members guide you on a tour of celestial wonders, including stars, and nebulae. We also invited you to bring your own telescope and share your experiences with other amateur astronomers. Star charts are available to help your exploration of the nighttime sky as members laser point the night sky constellations.
While this event is free and open to the public, your generous donation will help us continue to bring astronomical events to the York County and surrounding areas.
For more information on events, scheduling a private party star watch, directions to the observing site, or for general Society information please contact us at or leave a voice message after the recording at 717 759-9227 or visit our Facebook page